Movies, animation, comics, gaming and tech. Want to know what’s happening in Africa and beyond? Here’s the Run Down for this week.

NEWS OUT OF AFRICA – Animation/Gaming

African Game Developers Band Together

Four African game development companies; Leti Arts, Maliyo Games, Usiku Games and Kayfo Game Studios, have banded together to create stories to educate the youth and provide an authentic reflection of Africa.

With African entrepreneurs having been negatively affected by the pandemic, these developers have decided to provide a solution in a playful and engaging way. That’s where Mama Atingi Shop comes in.

Mama Atingi Shop , A Game for African Entrepreneurs

Dubbed as a ‘Serious Game’, Mama Atingi Shop aims to teach young adults the concepts of African entrepreneurship.

Players sell popular cultural artefacts to tourists, run a curio shop and complete challenges related to investment, managing inventory and growing a virtual business.

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This new game is the first of the game developers’ titles with more socially impactful games featuring African heroes and culture set to come.

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Kwame Nyong’o Is Changing the African Narrative

Writer, illustrator and animator, Kwame Nyong’o is renowned for telling fresh stories of Africa through children’s books as well as animation.

His books “A Tasty Maandazi” and “The Yummiest Githeri” provide a positive and inspiring perspective on Africa. His short film and first animation venture, “The Legeng of Ngong Hills” does the same and has received numerous awards worldwide.

It’s clear that his latest animated endeavour, The Legend of Lwanda Magereis no different.

The Legend of Lwanda Magere

Released in 2020, The Legend of Lwanda Magere follows the story of a Kenyan legend by the name of Lwanda Magere. Renowned for his superhuman strength, Lwanda was a hero to his people and their saviour from neighbouring raiders.

However, the animated film aims to reveal that the true strength of Lwanda’s powers lay not without, but within.

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NEWS BEYOND AFRICA – Animation/Entertainment

‘Bout Black Sands Entertainment

Dubbed as the number one indie black owned comic publishers in America, Black Sands Entertainment seeks to change the narrative of African and Black people whilst also sharing the rich history and culture of Black people.

Having published thousands of comic books and launching a well-received animated series, Black Sands: The Seven Kingdoms the company is constantly chasing their dream.

However, a recent opportunity in the form of a pitch on Shark Tank will take them steps further in fulfilling their vision.

Black Sands Entertainment Receive Funding From Shark Tank

With their sights set on penetrating the animation and entertainment industry, Black Sands Entertainment recently sought out investors and funding through Shark Tank.

The Emmy-award winning, American reality show features numerous entrepreneurs pitching their business ideas to a panel of investors who must choose whether or not to invest in them.

Black Sands Entertainment caught the attention of billionaire host Mark Cuban and guest host and comedian, Kevin Hart. After initially requesting $500,000 for a 5% stake in their venture, the company eventually settled on $500,000 with a 30% equity stake going to both Cuban and Hart.

This will likely see Black Sands Entertainment delivering new content and projects to their fans a lot sooner.

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