News about Comic Republic’s Pre Resurrection and Nintendo’s New IP

Movies, animation, comics, gaming, digital art and tech. Want to know what’s happening in Africa and beyond? Here’s the Run Down for this week.

NEWS OUT OF AFRICA – Comics/Digital Art

The Story of Comic Republic’s Pre Resurrection

Pre Resurrection is a brand new comic series created by Comic Republic, that tells the story of what may have transpired in the time between Jesus’ death, when He travelled to the depths of Hell, and His triumphant resurrection.

Pre Resurrection is a tale of betrayal, adventure and restored trust and love. So far Comic Republic have released the opening prologue of the story, now Issue #1 is out!

Pre Resurrection #1 is Out Now!

The Issue #1 of Comic Republic’s Pre Resurrection is out now!

Comforted by angles but still He must bear the cross for all mankind, this is the story of Yeshua.

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Kugali Media Art Prints Available!

African anthology Kugali Media are offering exclusive , reduced price, art prints bundles showcasing the lead characters from their renowned comic title, Nani as well as Mayaki prints. The prints are available to pre-order with 7 Nani and 2 Mayaki prints available.

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NEWS BEYOND AFRICA – Digital Art/Gaming

Meet Victor Lahlou the Concept Artist

Canada-based concept artist, Victor Lahlou has created a series of concept art based upon his travels in Africa. His environmental based pieces have drawn inspiration from South Africa’s Mafadi Mountain, Lesotho’s Maletsunyane Falls and the domes of Fabedougou in Burkina Faso.

Lahlou’s work brings to mind ancient Africa and its natural beauty whilst also hinting at something futuristic.

Check out his brilliant work below.

Who Doesn’t Know Nintendo?

Nintendo’s journey began all the way in 1889 when they started making hanfuda playing cars in Kyoto, Japan.

Since then the company has gained international popularity and become the world’s biggest distributors of video games and entertainment systems. They have also created renowned consoles such as the Game Boy, Nintendo DS, Nintendo Wii and most recently the Nintendo Switch. But they’re not stopping there.

In a recent interview with Nikkei, Nintendo’s president spoke of the company’s future plans for Nintendo, particularly their Nintendo Switch.

The Future of the Nintendo Switch

As people are now staying home for longer periods of time, the range of entertainment at their fingertips has increased. With this in mind, Nintendo President, Shuntaro Furukawa has announced that Nintendo will be focusing on developing more original IP for the Nintendo Switch.

In an entertainment world where “Competition is tough”, for people to choose games “they have to be interesting”, says Furukawa.

So looks like Nintendo fans can look forward to some new and exciting games!  Nintendo are also looking into creating hardware, so the excitement doesn’t end there.

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